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Due to the Coronavirus the current hours of the chapel are from 6am – 7pm Monday through Friday. Please wear a mask when other adorers are present, and thank you for cleaning any chairs/kneelers you use.  Maximum 6 adorers in the Chapel at one time.

Dear faithful SMMA Parishioners,
Thank you for your love and patience over the past few months. Our Lord has certainly blessed our parish family, and we know so many of you are deeply grateful to be able to once again visit Him in his True Presence here at SMMA’s lovely Adoration Chapel.
We have been privileged to be of help over the past year, and especially the past few months.
As has been the tradition since the beginning, we are now seeking two faithful volunteers who will commit to assisting with coordinating the Chapel schedule and its various needs for one year.   The training and transition of  the responsibilities will begin August 1st.  The great majority of things run on “auto-pilot.” Chapel coordinators are a communications hub for helping fill new permanent openings, find a sub when the regular adorer is unable to do so, inform adorers when weather closes the Chapel, etc.  Much is now done by computer versus having to come up to church a lot to post things on the board. With two volunteers, we estimate each person would spend an average of one hour per week on the needed duties.
You also have resources in Fr. Samuel and the Adoration Committee, which is a small group of committed adorers you can call on for answers, advice, etc.
We hope the Holy Spirit will move you to consider filling this important role in our parish. 
Thank you! Please reply by email, or feel free to call us, if you’d like to discuss your interest in becoming a Chapel coordinator. 

And thank you for your faithful example to everyone at SMMA.

Anne Hoffman      &      Linda Tensing    314-623-7482               314-973-9896

Praise be Jesus Christ now and forever!

God’s blessings to our faithful adorers. We were given permission to reopen Eucharistic Adoration beginning Monday, June 15, 2020.  Exposition will begin at 6:00 a.m., ending at 7:00 p.m. Monday – Friday.  The church will remain open for the whole parish for quiet prayer Monday – Friday from 6:15 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.  
Adoration will continue to be 1-hour time slots.   Adorers will have the opportunity to sign up for the hour they had prior to the pandemic.  You are welcome to return to adoration whenever you feel safe and comfortable, whether that be next week, month or year.

Guidelines for returning to adoration are as follows:

  • 1.  Adoration will be in the chapel and there will be designated chairs where you can sit.
  • 2.  A mask must be worn.
  • 3.  Be conscientious about maintaining social distance if you are there with another adorer.
  • 4.  Cleaning products will be provided and you will be required to clean the chair/kneeler you use after your visit with our Lord.  
  • 5.  The schedule will be hung in the same location outside of the chapel as it was in the past.
  • 6.  Please remain with our Lord until the next adorer arrives.  There will not be any sign in sheet at this time.   
  • 7.  Prayerfully consider taking your adoration time.  If you choose not to return at this time, we will find an adorer to fill in for you.  We would appreciate your help by letting us know whether or not you would like to resume your hour.  Contact Linda at 314-973-9896 or Anne 314-623-7482 or email us at Please let us know by Wednesday, June 10 at 5:00p.m. This will give us ample time to fill in those time slots that are needed.  
  • 8.  Refrain from utilizing the reading material that is located in the chapel.   
  • 9.  As always, please feel free to contact us with any question or concern.  (Linda at 314-973-9896 or Anne 314-623-7482 or email us at

Welcome Home.

Linda & Anne


Each Sunday from 6 to 7pm, Fr. Samuel will offer a Virtual Holy Hour including Adoration and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.  Everyone is welcome to join us through the same link that is used for daily Mass.

Consecration to St. Joseph

Consecration to St. Joseph emulates the tried-and-true preparation method employed by St. Louis de Montfort in his Marian consecration, highlighting many of St. Joseph’s titles, privileges, and heroic virtues.

The program of preparation and consecration takes 33 days.

It can be undertaken on your own or in a group.

What does it mean for a person to be consecrated to St. Joseph? Well, it basically means that you acknowledge that he is your spiritual father, and you want to be like him. To show it, you entrust yourself entirely into his paternal care so that he can help you acquire his virtues and become holy. Total consecration to St. Joseph means you make a formal act of filial entrustment to your spiritual father so that he can take care of your spiritual well-being and lead you to God. The person who consecrates himself to St. Joseph wants to be as close to their spiritual father as possible, to the point of resembling him in virtue and holiness. Saint Joseph, in turn, will give those consecrated to him his undivided attention, protection, and guidance. Learn More

After Suicide: There’s Hope for Them and for You

Do those who take their own lives automatically lose their salvation? How can we help those who have lost a loved one to suicide? Addressing the hard issue of suicide simply and pastorally, Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, draws from the teaching of the Church, the message of Divine Mercy, and his own experience of losing his grandmother to suicide in order to offer readers two key forms of hope. With co-author Jason Lewis, MIC, Fr. Chris reveals that there’s hope for the salvation of those who’ve died by their own hand, and there’s hope for the healing of those whom they’ve left behind. This book is a must-read for all those trying to make sense out of such a difficult subject. Remarkably, the spiritual principles of healing and redemption apply not only to a loss from suicide, but by any means of death.

The Power of Holy Hour

In this episode we have our dear friend Fr. Josh Johnson back on the podcast to discuss how to have a fruitful Holy Hour. Through his humor and reflections, Fr. Josh shares practical tools as well spiritual insights about how to pray in silence and grow in intimacy with Jesus. 

All women are invited to Kenrick-Glennon Seminary (5200 Glennon Drive, 63119) on the third Thursday of each month for prayer and a talk.  The next meeting will be on March 19th.  The speaker will be Fr. Mirco Sosio, A.V.I., Spiritual Director. The Rosary will be prayed at 8 a.m., and Fr. James Mason will speak from 8:15 a.m. until 9 a.m.  Coffee will be offered afterwards in the Fireside Lounge until 9:30 a.m.  For more information or to watch videos from past Fiat talks, see:

Exorcists call for day of reparation after Pachamama rituals

WASHINGTON, D.C., November 13, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – In a joint statement, four exorcists called on Catholics to join a day of reparation to drive out “any diabolic influence within the Church” that occurred as a result of the Pachamama ritual that Pope Francis attended at the Vatican at the onset of the Amazon Synod.

Cardinal Burke, Bishop Schneider Announce Crusade of Prayer and Fasting

Citing “serious theological errors and heresies” in the Amazon Synod’s working document, they call on the faithful to pray and fast over a 40 day period to prevent such errors being approved.

The Real Presence: Knowing What We Are Doing

COMMENTARY: Now is the time for bishops, priests, deacons, catechists, parents, godparents, writers and all those with the responsibility to pass on the faith to articulate with clarity and conviction the Church’s Eucharistic faith.

Teaching, and Living, the Real Presence in the Eucharist

COMMENTARY: Church teachings make little sense when there is not a corresponding lived reality.

Praying for Those Who Have Died Is a Work of Mercy

Msgr. Charles Pope

What is the value of one prayer? I suspect it is far greater than any of us imagine. Prayer changes things, sometimes in obvious ways, but more often in subtle and even paradoxical ways. But prayer is surely important, even when we don’t experience its immediate effects. Perhaps this is why Jesus taught us to pray always and never to lose heart (cf. Luke 18:1). St. Paul echoed this with the simple exhortation, “Pray without ceasing” (1 Thess 5:17). St. James also warned, “You have not because you ask not” (James 4:2). Full Article


9 Days to Change the World

26th International Week of Prayer & Fasting

September 28th to October 7th

For More Information Visit

Pope wants rosary prayed to protect Church from devil’s ‘turbulence’

The pontiff is asking Catholics around the world to pray the rosary every day during the month of October for protection of the Church from the devil.

Please watch bulletin announcements and Chapel flyers for when the Blessed Sacrament will be reposed for various holidays or Holy Day. The Adoration Committee will email permanent adorers with information about closures in advance of the holiday or Holy Day. But feel free to email and ask, especially if you may be planning to be away on those days.

Bad Weather
The Chapel will close when bad weather is imminent. If the Chapel is open but you feel unsafe venturing outside, please call the current Chapel administrators so a substitute may be found.

Pray For More Adorers
Please remember this ministry in your prayers while at the Chapel. To keep Eucharistic Adoration thriving at SMMA, it is our hope to nearly double the number of current adorers assigned to a particular hour, so that each time slot has two faithful visitors.

“Retold for all eternity …”
Currently, 30 or so adorers sign in our Chapel each day, and many more visitors attend but do not sign the roster. Thank you! St. Margaret Mary Alacoque’s Eucharistic Adoration ministry recently celebrated its 17th anniversary. It is by your commitment and perseverance that this blessing continues. Certainly our beloved Lord is overjoyed. As Mother Teresa stated, “Every Holy Hour we make so pleases the Heart of Jesus that it is recorded in Heaven and retold for all eternity.”

Jesus Calling
Keeping enough adorers signed up to open our Chapel 24 Hours a Day, 6 Days a week can be a challenge. Jesus Himself is calling you, not the program coordinators, pastor, or fellow adorers – although they may be God’s instrument of invitation! If you are not presently signed up to cover a specific hour, please consider doing so.

In the Garden of Gethsemane, Our Lord asked, “Could you not watch one hour with me?” He returned three times to find the Apostles asleep. He longs for you to keep Him company when He again, in the Eucharist, suffers a great deal from loneliness. Are we too busy (asleep) to answer this call? If so, He is patient, and persistent. He will will return again and again to ask. He will keep calling each of us, out of infinite love for our well-being.

All Christians Welcome
Parishioners from Catholic parishes and all Christians are invited to come and pray. We especially encourage the faithful who visit to sign up, if possible, to cover an hour of adoration once a week.