Signing Up Is A Cross Of Love

Taking A Specific Hour Is A Cross With Love

Each time we take time out of our busy schedule to come and adore our beloved

Lord, we show Jesus how much we love Him and receive many graces for ourselves and the world. The sacrifice of our time, our Cross, is not too heavy for us because we are falling in love with Jesus each time we come to adoration.

St. Peter Julian Eymard founded a religious order devoted to Eucharistic adoration. He often said, “The most difficult hours of our adoration are often the most rewarding”. In other words, the more we give up to come before Jesus, the more graces we shall receive.

Remember, it is not fellow parishioners or even your priests who are calling you. Our Lord Himself is calling you, and each of us, to commit to a specific hour of adoration.

Pope John Paul II said as much when he instituted Adoration at the Vatican in 1981: “Your faith will help you realize that it is Jesus Himself who is present in the Blessed Sacrament, waiting for you and calling you to spend one special specific hour with Him each week.”

Jesus has been waiting over 2000 years to meet you here. Yes, you can pray to Him “anytime and anywhere.” But you comfort him most especially by your loving presence before the Blessed Sacrament, your “Cross of Love” is signing up and sacrificing a specific hour of your time each week to be with Him.